PDR Concept
Urinary incontinence is a significant global healthcare challenge estimated to affect between 4% and 8% of the population at any one time; almost 400 million people worldwide.
Drainage bags have not changed in design in nearly 60 years. Designed for hospital environments, these are simple, clear PVC welded bags with a volume scale to one side, hung on a simple metal or plastic frame. Night bags and their associated stands cause many difficulties at home. Key amongst these is the distress and stigmatisation caused by the visual dominance of up to 2litres of urine prominently on display in a domestic setting.
Layr is a revolutionary approach that brings clear clinical, practical and psychological benefits from a user-centered perspective to the problems of overnight catheterisation. It replaces the mid-20th century PVC bag with an intelligent, connected ‘flask’ capable of bringing clinical expertise to the home, whilst eliminating the stigma and practical difficulties associated with existing systems.

The rechargeable, stable and easy to handle device brings a new aesthetic to the stigmatising, industrial feel of existing night bag systems. Layr greatly reduces anxiety and ergonomic issues whilst bringing additional clinical, diagnostic benefits. Optical sensors within a removable ‘puck’ at the base of the flask assess the colour, volume, and rate of fill.
The ‘puck’ communicates current and historical information to community nursing staff remotely or through home visits. Fill levels and urinary health are clearly indicated via a discreet embedded display, which alerts carers and patients when required for more urgent interventions.

Simple and secure connection to the catheter allows worry-free sleep, while the two-litre capacity and press sealed lid eliminate the danger of overflow. Layr is stable and secure with its low centre of gravity and footprint.
Disengagement from the catheter is simple and secure and the flask can be easily handled and emptied into a domestic lavatory. With the diagnostic base ‘puck’ removed, Layr is dishwasher ready, easy to clean and disinfect.